Lecture about Laserscanning within the VDI Work Group


At the first meeting in 2017 the VDI Work Group ”Operation of process plants“ (operating engineers), regional group Rhine-Main-Neckar, Tebodin Peters Engineering was given the opportunity to present their laserscanning competences developed to date. Pascal Morović (HOD 3D Support) held a speech as did Martin Karch from the Business Development Department.

The work group of operating engineers is a team meeting of practice-oriented representatives from the regional process industry and their service providers. They focus on current developments, problem definitions and solution approaches.

Besides possible application scenarios and Tebodin Peters Engineering’s scope of services boundary conditions have been discussed under which an economic benefit of the laserscannings is feasible.

The topics regarding software development as well as the explanation of some case examples have been very well received. You will find the presentation here.

"We are very pleased that Mr. Morovic and Mr. Karch have openly discussed their know-how with the participants. Their knowledge of the state-of-the-art is crucial to using the advantages of this technology at the right time."

Manfred Dammann, BILFINGER SE